
All About Tampons

Tampons...aii! They can seriously be so intimidating. You are putting a foreign object straight up your vagina after all. There’s fears over losing tampons up there or experiencing TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome). It’s really no wonder that it can take awhile for us to feel comfortable using them. But never fear!! Tampons are really not that space alien rocket that they look like.

Big yays for using tampons

There are TONS of perks that make tampons one of the most popular options out there. Since they’re inserted in the vagina, they prevent the messiness that is sometimes experienced with using pads, especially for those of us with heavy periods. Tampons also make swimming easier. Yay! For leaping into the deep-end and not worrying about your pad staying in place! ! (Although if this does happen, we promise that you’re life isn’t over)

But how does it get in there?

If it’s your first time using a tampon, try inserting one when you’re not in a rush. The magic word is: “RELAX!” Stress makes your vaginal muscles contract which means that insertion becomes even harder. When you’ve got some time at home, make yourself comfortable, light a candle (kidding, but not really) and check out Blume’s article on “Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know about Tampon Applicators” [link]. s .  If you’re still feeling stressed, take a look at some of those fancy inside diagrams available on google that indicate proper placement. Feel free to also chat with a trusted friend or adult! I’d love to meet the person who put in their tampon the first time just easy breezy… It’s normal to take awhile to figure it all out.

Tampon safety (because harming our bodies isn’t kind)

The key to tampon safety is to remember when you last changed your tampon and when you need to replace it. Write the time down on a piece of paper or set an alarm on your phone if you’re the forgetful type. TSS is a rare but serious bacterial infection; about one out of 100,000 women are diagnosed with it. TSS can affect people of all genders. Also, ,TSS is not really caused by the tampon itself  (myth busted!) but by leaving it in for too long and allowing bacteria to build.

To lower your risks of TSS it’s important to practice good hygiene: wash your hands before and after insertion, try to use the lowest absorbency tampon you can, and change your tampon every 4-6 hours. But should I change it before then? You’ll know if it’s ready to change before 4 hours if it starts leaking or comes out easily with a slight tug of the string.  If you decide to have sex on your period (there’s literally no rule that says you can’t have sex on your period), don’t keep your tampon inside. That may seem obvious but a lot of things can happen in the heat of the moment (keep it safe #BlumeBabes).

But what’s in my tampon?

Major drugstore brands aren’t actually required to disclose ingredients that go into tampons (kind of rude if ask me) – it’s odd to even think of tampons as having an ingredients list. Most tampons use chemicals such as dioxins, a chemical that’s produced as a by product of bleaching the cotton used for the tampon. Now there’s nothing wrong with using cotton in tampons.Cotton is an absorbent, reliable and natural material. The issue is what’s being used to make that cotton look attractive and “white” (sigh! Like brown bodies, cotton is also beautiful when brown). That’s why Blume provides you with 100% organic and natural cotton tampons. Since the vagina is one of the most absorbent parts of our bodies, we want to empower you with the choice to treat it right.  

Maybe you already prefer using tampons during your period. If you’re looking into some alternatives that still let you keep them as your go-to, consider subscribing to Blume’s cotton tampons and pads. Subscribing means you’ll be period prepped, any time and anywhere.