Blume News

Meet Future World Shaper: Kyia Truong

Meet Kyia Belle Truong! She's born and raised in Edmonton, AB, currently attending the University of Calgary, where she's studying Business Administration. You can find Kyia on road trips around Canada exploring the world, cooking homemade meals on Sunday evenings, and of course finding meaningful ways to impact people’s lives for the better. You can find her at @kyiatruong online.

Congrats Kyia on becoming one of Blume’s very first Future World Shapers! Tell us about some of the current things you’re doing to shape the world for the better (big or small, don’t be shy — BRAG!)

  • Thank you! Currently I’m taking the summer to learn more about myself and the kinds of things that pique my interest. Recently I did an online fundraiser business called Belle Époque, to raise money for, where a percentage of all tee shirt and hoodie sales went directly to the charity. I ended up raising $645.00 for the non-profit, something I never thought I would be able to do alone.

If we asked your BFF to describe you in 3 words, what would they say?

  • Honest, genuine, and an old soul. I guess that’s four words, haha.

What makes you proud to be a Gen Z?

  • What makes me the most proud is that as Gen Z, I found that we collectively believe the future is in our hands, and that we have the power to make the world totally our own. That kind of drive and motivation is hard to find, and I’m so glad to be a part of a generation who cares so much about the world we live in.

As a one of Blume’s Future World Shapers, what are you most excited about? What are some ideas you have for Blume’s Gen Z Advisory Council? 

  • I’m most excited to be mentored by incredible women! Since I have a photography background, I would love to do some photoshoots to provide Blume with the content they need. I think making education fun and interesting can encourage more girls to learn about their bodies, without the shame and stigma that may be stopping them.

Why did you decide to apply for the Future World Shapers award? If you were
nominated, who were you nominated by and what’s your relationship with them?

  • I applied because I knew it would be an experience I couldn’t toss up, so when I submitted my application, I have it my all! Everything Blume stands for is brilliant, and being part of the movement would be empowering. I was nominated by family and peers, people who truly support me and everything I do. Shout out to them.

Who has been your biggest inspiration in activism or otherwise?

  • My biggest inspiration has been my good friend I know in Vancouver Island. He’s all about humanitarianism, and is even planning on conducting a research on homelessness in Vancouver. It’s a bold idea and would take some gut to produce, which I respect a lot.

How have you been practicing self care and keeping busy during quarantine?

  • During quarantine, I explored my photography creatively, even if it wasn’t much. Cooking and baking became a routine in our house, as did movie nights and binging all the Netflix shows. I started to tell myself that it’s OK to not be doing something every minute of every hour, that relaxing is just as important has keeping busy.

How do you maintain a solid self care routine with the extra initiatives and extracurricular activities you’re involved in?

  • During high school, I definitely kept myself busy working two jobs, being on Student Council, and playing volleyball 5+ days a week. It was stressful to say the least, but remembering to step back, be in tune with who you are, and remembering to breathe, helped a lot. Some days there wasn’t time for a whole routine, but even just a couple minutes for yourself really does wonders.

What advice do you have for other teens (and even adults!) who are looking to make a difference in the world but don’t know where to start?

  • My advice is simple but crucial. Just frickin do the thing. Anything. Volunteer, travel solo, talk to people who interest you. Do some research on companies already doing something similar to what you want to achieve! You never know who you’ll meet or where those experiences will take you, and it’s on this journey that’ll produce the biggest waves for change.

Keep an eye out for Kyia, along with Trisha and Sarah throughout their time with us as Blume's Future World Shapes of 2020! Find us @blume to follow this exciting journey.